Chiropractic, like other manual therapies, are very effective for treating conditions involving muscles and joints in the body, however many people don’t realise exactly how far muscle pain can travel. There are many muscles in the head and neck, and they can all cause pain which often presents as a headache. Admittedly there are many causes for headaches, such as dehydration, stress and altered eyesight. Despite this, a high percentage of people I see have headaches which are caused by muscular tightness in the head and neck, of which the majority are relieved after chiropractic treatment. Office workers and other professions which involve sitting for long periods of time, adopt a posture including rounded shoulders and forward head carriage which increases the curvature of the neck. By using a combination of massage and manipulation, the muscles that were tight and tender previously relax and lengthen, providing more freedom and movement which in turn reduces both tension and the pain we get accustomed to for such a long period of time. But then you’re reliant on treatment, right? Definitely not, exercises will be introduced during the treatments which help boost the longevity of your pain free activities. Of course there is an option to maintain treatment every so often in order to target any specific aches and pains, but that is a discussion to be held between yourself and your Chiropractor, to agree a plan of action that suits you. Jull, G., et al., (2002) A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache. Spine 27(17): p. 1835-43; discussion 1843. Bath Chiropractic 01225 683007
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December 2024